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Monday, December 21, 2020

Weak Play by Moroccan Chess Expert

 Mokhliss El Adnani may know this Moroccan chess player who was in poor form during a 3 minute blitz game at ICC. NZCA, playing White, will lose after Black plays pawn to f4 creating Zugzwang. The Black Monarch will penetrate via the  c4 or a4 square winning White's anemic b pawn which will result in lost King and Pawn ending. 

Observe that the blunder pawn to g4 allows the First Player  to draw as Black will have to move his King backwards to c6 with all entry points blocked!!  

I guess the dude must dig the British synthpop band.

Despite the claims made by El Mahdi El Mhamdi, cutting off the power or electricity will shut down AI computers. His argument that us humans could learn from the distributed intelligence/decentralized nature of an ant colony is quite profound. Seems quite connected to bitcoin's inevitable surge upward as digital gold. 

I also wish he would explain the overused term ROBUST with respect to information technology. Sound cool but WTF does it mean!?!?!?


  1. Tom Simonite has some fascinating commentary regarding how AI "ruined chess. They used AI to study the incidence of drunk driving in College Station, Waco, and Austin Texas USA. These studies helped DWI lawyers to the realization they could live very comfortably just on the arrests made on the weekends of the big games between the Bears, Longhorns and Aggies!!!!

    I will say the language in the magazine WIRED "complex but elegant provocations and counters" is bullshit! It gets down to calculation ONLY.

    From what I gathered from a neighbors whining father, Dunham & Jones is quite sneaky about what they will bill your for getting inebriated Junior out his jail cell on Saturday night. Some nonsense about deferred adjudication and expunged records where when family took trip to Canadian border underneath British Columbia Oroville-Osoyoos and family had to turn around and go back to Texas after driving ALL THAT WAY!!

  2. Would you know a WEAK player who goes by donlaw71 at the internet chess club. He disconnects and forfeits a lot. Weak player and weak character. Reminds me of some of the whiners that play in San Antonio Texas at Wurzbach hospital
