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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Exchange Sacrifice for Weak Pawns

 You all remember those material point tables published by the German Bernhard Horwitz who claimed a Queen was worth 9 pawns, a Rook 5, Bishop or Horse worth 3

This dude who plays on the internet named Blackdata believes these values are absolute indicating he never has read Rowson. 

So when I play this cat, he always lets me take off his Horse with my Tower as you can see in the following diagram(Notice the f3 Knight has been snapped off by the f8 Rook shattering his Kingside pawn structure). I thought he might be a computer programmer or a bitcoin miner or a data scientist, but probably not since those type of professionals always learn from their mistakes.
Blackdata does not get the quality and coordination aspect of a chess position. In the above position, he thinks he is winning because his pieces add up to 16 pawns and Black's pieces add up to 14 pawns according to the German MoFo who formed the infamous group "The Pleiades"

I am sure the Chess Improver  Valer Eugen Demian and his copyrighted content could talk about the weak squares around the White Monarch along with weak pawns as being more than adequate compensation for the exchange sacrifice. Black has an enduring initiative despite having "lost the exchange". 

Demian  will quickly learn that a standard Blog is no match for Streaming Twitch content or YouTube. Daniel Naroditsky does not give the USCF the time of day after becoming a Twitch ad revenue animal. I sure as hell do not blame him, although I miss his outstanding column in Chess Life.

In closing Blackdata, like many lovers of the game suffers immensely from materialism and should realize chess would not be much of game if one could just do a Horwitz count of material to determine who stood better in an arbitrary position. 


  1. I believe it was editor Beth Daley writing for the that chess is a racist game because White moves first. SERIOUSLY Miss Daley?!?!?!??!

    I doubt Theophilus Thompson would agreed if you could arrange a séance nor would Scottish master BlackData!!!!

    1. Do any of you guys know a YouTube guy named Fluorine who bragged about winning 4 out of 23 games against Daniel Naroditsky?

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