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Monday, July 27, 2020

Greed, Greed, Greed.....Lose, Lose, Lose

One of the seven deadly sins is Greed and chess psychologist Rowson expounds lucidly on the perils of not overcoming avarice in our beloved Royal Game pastime.

However, ICC user Missile14 apparently did not get the memo after getting splattered by the mating pawn move f6 in diagrammed position. The military jet fighter plane enthusiast was aiming for rapid consolidation with Nd6 with the goal of liquidating the powerful e4 Horse. In fact, Missile14 played Knight captures Knight after White played the overt checkmate move pawn to f6 pinning the g7 mating square pawn to the trepidating Black Monarch!  

Black could have played the desperate  Nf5 which only delays the mate or the calamitous loss of material. I think our military man was just assuming since he had an extra "do nothing" proverbial WHOLE ROOK on a8 square(not half mind you) that he would just win by swapping aka the Patzer's curse. 

I did find something about the Infrared Air Force FALCON homing missile14. 

BTW, a cat with a youtube channel called chess traps has a beautiful trap number 28 out of the Kings Gambit opening involving a knight on the grim rim and another fork winning Whites Queen!!!

Finally a tribute to some old acquaintances/buddies in Texas USA: 
Carmen Chairez - Army Veteran 
Tom Crane - Navy Veteran 
    Charles Fricks - Army Veteran 
 Troy Gillispie - Army Veteran - 
           Sheryl McBroom - Air Force Veteran
Bret Lynn - Air Force Veteran

Tom Boyd 
                            Master  John Farrell jarhead(teasing John semper gumbi) 
                                   My favorite Asian who love Biden's VP choice  Neil Naputo  
                           David Hater 
                               Leon Toliver and Jimmy Nazario 

MISS AND LOVE ALL YOU GUYS!!!! probably will never be able to play any of you face to face due to personal issues and fickle COVID policy starting with the leadership vacuum in the White to Microsoft BOSS for that one!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Rules of Chess need to be modified to remove this absurd Possibility

I found the following rubbish of an explanation at Reddit of why an absolutely pinned piece can still support checkmate: 

 The simplest and most natural set of rules would be to forget all about check and checkmate. You're just out to capture(the problem with this lame justification is that the g7 Queen DID NOT CAPTURE THE BLACK KING AT H7) the enemy King, and the game ends when you do so, even if it's just because someone didn't notice they were in check. And under this rule it's very clear that you can capture the King with a pinned piece, because the game will be over before they can take your King in response.

BTW absolutely pinned means pinned to the King like the g4 Rook is to the White King on the f3 square(The Black Bishop is performing the sadistic task) SO KING CAPTURES QUEEN SHOULD BE A LEGAL MOVE IN THE DIAGRAMMED POSITION!!!!!!! The simple reason is that the pinned Tower cannot capture  the Black Monarch!!! Who in the fuck wrote the rules of chess to allow such nonsense to prevail!!!??????

Even the venerable Martin Stahl(dealt admirably with the devastating Joplin Missouri Tornadoes) believes the checkmate in the diagrammed position is a logical interpretation of the rules of our beloved game. I know Erickenn1 of the internet chess club would not want the rule overturned. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Discovered Check Mate

Austrian chess player Wall-Street probably spends more time investing than with his chess development, but he  still threatens mate in one in the diagrammed position in a 3 minute blitz no delay game at the internet chess club based in USA.  Patrick Wolff and Ron Henley traded their GM brains in to become whizzes in financial industry. Wolff used to advertise in Seirawan's mag charging $100 to analyze a black and white game. He quickly realized he could leverage his time 100 fold managing derivative funds. Makes you wonder how many other chess super cerebral types waste all that brain power!! Not sure about Henley who use to be tight with Karpov. Never knew how he wheedled his way into being the boa constrictor's second in some of the world championship cycles. 

Markus Ragger would have been impressed with the mate in 2 that Black has set up which culminates with a discovered checkmate along the h file.White had just played Nc5 threatening mate on the b7 square, but Ng3(blunt force trauma hammer blow to the 1398 player from Austria) check is quite forcing as g1-a7 diagonal is covered by the Lady on d4

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Ego Deflating Opening Ambush

It has happened to us all. Checkmated or grievous loss of material not 10 moves into the contest!  Screwed-blued-and-tattooed, Ambushed, gang-raped, torched, epic fail etc. 

Such was the fate of online chess player ego123 one Saturday morning hiding from the deadly virus.Now for the boring part: The opening was a French Exchange variation in reverse which can be quite dangerous for Black according to Watson's book. 

How did such a strong player allow a longer version of the Scholar's mate on h7 square? Carlsen himself has played the slightly more refined version called the Terrorist opening pioneered by Enrique Rios(last I heard this San Antonio homie was cashing in with Poker)

The very slow Ne7-Ng6 maneuver led to a hanging Knight due f7 pawn being pinned by the c4 Prelate(Phallic). Also 3 minute time control is often fast non-thinking chess that can lead to these kind of disasters. Alex Kundin presents an exceptionally entertaining version of this!