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Monday, August 10, 2020

Inventive Approach in this Chess Game

 An ICC blitz player named ReInventor, playing Black in the below diagrammed position, had to love the inventive nature of this Naked hanging piece sacrifice. His greed for pawns weakened his f7,e6, and b7 White Squares. Also his Horse at b8 blocks the Rook at a8.

Applying Laskerian logic to the three anemic squares, the NAKED piece sac Ng5 presents itself as a winning move! The Knight move attracts the Black Queen to the g5 square which also creates devastating back rank mate threats after the White Lady ingests the b7 pawn.

Read the work of medical researchers V. Kalidasan, Narcisse Joseph, Suresh Kumar, Rukman Awang Hamat, and Vasantha Kumari Neela to learn more about iron deficiency as it relates to our Royal game. I learned all about Iron homeostasis from these medical students or interns or maybe even Doctors. In any invent the move Knight to King's Knight 5 jacked Black's efforts at homeostasis.

The game Dexter Dale Jr. vs. Ryan Folgarty had some themes similar to this game.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The tricky notion of opposition in Chess

 In following King and Pawn ending, Black has an extra pawn with White to move. If the opposing Kings have 1 or 3 or 5 squares between on a file, rank, or diagonal then side that just moved is said to have the opposition. Weaker chess players sometimes believe having the opposition is tantamount to winning the chess game.

The following diagram harshly refutes that ignorance. Observe that if White plays King to the f1 square,  he has the opposition with Black King places at d1. 

Now take a look at the following diagram that arose from 1. Kf1 Kd2  2. Kf2 where one observes that White still has the close opposition, BUT is losing after Pawn to g4! jettisoning the Black center pawn to its Queening square at e1!  Its clear that this kind of close opposition SUCKS! Note that the e pawn checks the White Monarch in this variant which is a vital tempo allowing Queening well before White's g pawn. 

Enter our Lord and savior DISTANT OPPOSITION  with the move Kh1 in the corner 3 squares from Black King! Now if Black plays Ke1, White plays Kg1 where g4 tactic does not work and the game is drawn after a variation involving mutual queening!  Close opposition was correct here only because of concrete analysis not some blind adherence the 4 syllable O word. Orgasm has three syllables you perverts. 

Understanding when to implement distant opposition will save you many half points!!!

Also be careful about adhering blindly to geometric motifs like “Putting your King on a square which constructs a rectangle with the other King where the corners of the rectangle are the same colored square (such as a dark square), with the usual "let the buyer beware" of no pawns interfering/between the Kings"

If I have been too sexual for you or your K-6 child, try the high quality blog at RagChess. The proprietor is careful about not disclosing his name, but seems to be an excellent and knowledgeable educator of the Royal Game.


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Two different Assassinations


Chess is the Netherlands is more historically rich and dense compared to almost pop culture blitz ethos that exists in the USA. The former Santa Fe NM Grand Master would surely agree given his recent public squabbles with Greg Shahade. 

The theme illustrated in the diagram below witnesses yet another example of greed being harshly punished.  Thetheo1304 is "up the exchange and a pawn", BUT is still dead lost. So one could say he was suffering from excessive emphasis on his distorted notion of material. Yaz, the cool dude and blood brother of IM John Donaldson, once stated his first chess teacher Pupols taught it is not what comes off the board, it is what stays  on the board. 

This ICC member appears to have dearly loved Theodore Van Gogh who was assassinated by a Dutch man from Morocco,Africa.  Never got the significance of 1304 in his online moniker. 

Perhaps the death was still weighing on his distant mind when his materialism allowed Black's g pawn to become dangerously passed. Maybe he thought Rook takes pawn check on the d5 square would give him time to prevent the promotion to Queen. A draw may have been held by moving the King towards the Queening Square rather continuing with the pawn grabbing avarice.