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Monday, December 21, 2020

Weak Play by Moroccan Chess Expert

 Mokhliss El Adnani may know this Moroccan chess player who was in poor form during a 3 minute blitz game at ICC. NZCA, playing White, will lose after Black plays pawn to f4 creating Zugzwang. The Black Monarch will penetrate via the  c4 or a4 square winning White's anemic b pawn which will result in lost King and Pawn ending. 

Observe that the blunder pawn to g4 allows the First Player  to draw as Black will have to move his King backwards to c6 with all entry points blocked!!  

I guess the dude must dig the British synthpop band.

Despite the claims made by El Mahdi El Mhamdi, cutting off the power or electricity will shut down AI computers. His argument that us humans could learn from the distributed intelligence/decentralized nature of an ant colony is quite profound. Seems quite connected to bitcoin's inevitable surge upward as digital gold. 

I also wish he would explain the overused term ROBUST with respect to information technology. Sound cool but WTF does it mean!?!?!?

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Hope this Chess player Finds Peace and Tranquility

 Gambling, Alcohol dependency and chess are more related than many would want to confess.

The profile of an outstanding bullet chess player(has played around 150,000 games according to his finger notes) named vladika01 from Japan was ominously suicidal on December 12th 2020. 

1 min chess same as gambling

 2: Time to leave ICC 2002-2020

 3: All that can be said has been said and all good things must come to an end

 4: Came here to play chess not to look for friends-but found some anyway

 5: Forget me soon and take care ya all

 6: Last words ...hmm, guard against those who want to distort history by

  changing it

I found references to a Bishop vladika a member of the Japanese Orthodox Church and the Enlightener. 

As you can see in the diagrammed position, Vladika typed in the not so spiritually edifying FU. He was quite angry over losing the game after winning piece directly out of the opening and acquiescing to the long term positional disadvantage of a King trapped in the Center of the Board!

Usually the lines and arrow are used to for players to kibitz after the game has completed but the Japanese blitz addict preferred the initials to Fuck You. Also his  mental health would be improved by knowing that history is written by whoever wins the wars or currently in Control.

Back to the game and the White King stuck trepidating fearfully in the middle of the Back Rank.
So Vlad is still "up a piece" but down a King as you can see in the diagrammed position above. He spent time thinking that Qh4 "threatening" Qd8 checkmate was a game saver only to eventually note that Black's Queen at d3 surveils the mating square. So after the forced Qe1 to avoid mate, the Japanese lover of the Royal game could tip over his King after Black SNAPS OFF THE f3 Knight.   3 minute chess is too slow for him in my opinion. Find peace somehow my brotha.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Thomas Turtle: Bullet Chess Addict

 One Thomas Turtle has an extreme fondness for 1 minute bullet/blitz chess. As you can see from his finger notes, he has played close to 130,000 lightning chess games at the internet chess club. 

His passive play, as seen in the diagrammed position, gives him close to a lost position a mere 7 moves into the game! He placed his Horse on the e8 square and them played h6 with the Black pieces. This happened in a 3 minute game which I doubt he meant to play. I mean 3 minutes is an eternity for a bullet chess addict.  

It became obvious TommyTurtle played this sequence of insipid and thoughtless moves just to keep from losing before his 60 seconds of precious time expired! 

He obviously loves the Royal game and hates whining name calling players who are bad sports when they lose to the turtle in blitz chess. The friend of Sally Acorn in the city of Mobotropolis is a very weak player, but a good guy who just wants play without all the unnecessary drama.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Exchange Sacrifice for Weak Pawns

 You all remember those material point tables published by the German Bernhard Horwitz who claimed a Queen was worth 9 pawns, a Rook 5, Bishop or Horse worth 3

This dude who plays on the internet named Blackdata believes these values are absolute indicating he never has read Rowson. 

So when I play this cat, he always lets me take off his Horse with my Tower as you can see in the following diagram(Notice the f3 Knight has been snapped off by the f8 Rook shattering his Kingside pawn structure). I thought he might be a computer programmer or a bitcoin miner or a data scientist, but probably not since those type of professionals always learn from their mistakes.
Blackdata does not get the quality and coordination aspect of a chess position. In the above position, he thinks he is winning because his pieces add up to 16 pawns and Black's pieces add up to 14 pawns according to the German MoFo who formed the infamous group "The Pleiades"

I am sure the Chess Improver  Valer Eugen Demian and his copyrighted content could talk about the weak squares around the White Monarch along with weak pawns as being more than adequate compensation for the exchange sacrifice. Black has an enduring initiative despite having "lost the exchange". 

Demian  will quickly learn that a standard Blog is no match for Streaming Twitch content or YouTube. Daniel Naroditsky does not give the USCF the time of day after becoming a Twitch ad revenue animal. I sure as hell do not blame him, although I miss his outstanding column in Chess Life.

In closing Blackdata, like many lovers of the game suffers immensely from materialism and should realize chess would not be much of game if one could just do a Horwitz count of material to determine who stood better in an arbitrary position. 

You are boycotting this Toilet Paper Company for WHAT REASON?!

 I thought of that cute guy Russ Larrivee who apparently was contemplating boycotting toilet paper company Cottonelle because of its 5 ply product that may appeal to bottom gay guys. Russ may have some not so fond memories of high school showers in gym class. Perhaps he is repressing latent attractions for a guy that was going through puberty and still has some fantasies?

It it nothing to be ashamed of Russ. Go with what is natural.

The following chess position came up in a game with a player named FivePlyGuy who probably just likes thick toilet paper to help keep the feces from getting under his fingernails(Good Hygiene Friends!!). White wins with the pawn rupturing move b5 where the d5 pawn falls and the White Monarch penetrates like the guy on top of the homosexual who also likes thick toilet paper for a completely different reason. 



Feb 28, 2019


, you’re selling toilet paper why do you have to inject homosexuals into your commercials. It’s disgusting. Sell your products to homosexuals but I’m not buying them because being gay is a sin against God! #BoycottCottonelle