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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How did this guy earn an IM Title

My USCF rating moves between 1875 flirting with 2000 occasionally. The virulent virus had raised the value of the Internet Chess Club Immensely and I get to play many IM titled players who usually dominate me. No surprise.

However I played somebody from Ukraine with an IM title next to his name. Won handily in a one-sided contest against 1662 rated Serg2008 who played horribly creating unprovoked weaknesses around his King side.
You can see in screenshot that he allowed an elementary tactic due to his en prise a1 Rook in a game where Black seized the initiative against a player who may have been drunk or somehow cheated to get his International Master FIDE title.

Can you spot the winning piece sacrifice for Black in the below diagram? It is based on a King stuck in the center and fatally weak dark squares.

Most chess devotees know about the Georgian cheater Gaioz Nigalidze. 

The best chess blogger in the World, Bill Wall of Colorado, wrote about prisoner Claude Bloodgood who cheated his way to a high rating(Jude Acers can enlighten us all on this matter), but Claude was a cheater in the biggest game of all...LIFE, so who cares?  Unnamed players in Lampertheim Open were involved in misdeeds in the restroom(no they were not giving each other hand jobs)


  1. Peter Nixon-Detroit Tiger Fan!May 13, 2020 at 10:33 PM

    Mexican player efchampion has a crappy Internet Service Provider(ISP). He constantly will ask you to abort game and then start playing real fast when game finally starts. Typical cheap inconsiderate Mexican. Weak player too.

  2. I have lost contact with so many of my close friends in Texas after having moved to Abilene for two dreadfully long years! Some of the more special folks include Marvin Huckaby, Pershwitz family, Clemente Rendon,Sharon Pernes (husband Tim I think),Justin Barber, Jim Flaherty, Steven Young who i played in Waco or Dallas on Graham avenue, Shelby Anderson, and a few whose name Im not pulling up!

    1. Andrew Whatley opened a memorial to Steven Grubbs with "Steven Grubbs was not the greatest of chessplayers" back in 2001 just after Grubbs passed away due to seizure. I witnessed Bert Dennison trying to comfort Steven during a "mild episode" at a tournament in Dallas,Texas. I know that Grubbs dominated Bert who was a strong player. Whatley's comment suggests he beat Grubbs regularly in chess and could not resist his inflated ego being deprived of mentioning this in the obituary. TD Luis Salinas was also tight with the decedent as I recall.....

    2. I believe Sergii Pryyomov may have earned his International Master title later in life than most. Not really certain. Alex Steger documented an elementary Knight Fork back in 2008 that the affable and congenial IM blundered into. I don't really like the tone of this article. It is condescending. Where are y0our manners. YES MANNERS have a place in cyberspace!!

  3. Award for the most vague and ambiguous title of a Book goes to:

    The Future
    of the Internet
    And How to Stop It
    Jonathan Zittrain

    Lawrence Lessig and a

  4. I think United Kingdom players are grossly underrated!! I frequently dominate alkhateeb (IM)
    The proof that he is not an International Master is that I beat him AND I only have a 1500 rating at ICC!!! I just crush him mercilessly. I am thinking about contacting FIDE and ask they investigate his bogus title.
