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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Game Ending X-Ray Attack

The game of chess has a rich and historical vernacular including terms like Zugzwang(Robert Brieger on high alert, seance required), skewer, tempo, fork, transpose, squeeze, pin, interpose, triangulate, opposition, etc.

The following game played at the internet chess club illustrates another entry in the Royal Game's very dense lexicon. Monkjunk, playing out of the United Kingdom, just played Qe7 on the black side of a Catalan opening expecting a quite drawish Rook and Pawn end game.

Little did the British player, with the sacrilegious user name, realize he had just walked face first into a tactical theme that was covered in Jeremy Silman's classic middle game work How to Reassess your Chess. The tactic is aptly named X-Ray attack because, in some sense, the attacking piece is "seeing through" one piece to attack another piece or square in this case.

In the diagrammed position, the Black Queen is X-Rayed to to the unoccupied d8 square which makes the winning move of Rd8 a no brainer for any veteran chess player familiar with the multitude of tactical patterns our beloved game enjoys.

Back to the ICC handle monkjunk. A monk is an individual who practices religious asceticism, living either alone or with any number of other monks. Asceticism means to live a self denying, austere sort of life, so one can only surmise that this chess player is not a monk, a monk on the way out, or being disrespectful to monks....... Come to think of it chess players are typically a bunch of guys who hang out with each other for long weekends to get away from their wives.....Hmmm food for thought.


  1. This dude monkjunk is just the same pecker writing andrew lambert and he's a simpleminded twat who just curses at you if you win...idiot.

    1. You could not possibly be talking about the well respected sea time military historian. He is well respected and an honorable dude! Speaking of chess history, you gotta look at the work produced by Alex Gendler!!!

  2. Chess tutor, who works for very low hourly rates, Yury Markushin fully develops the notion of a Bishop Fork. A veritable maestro! Igor Smirnov charges more, but is a stronger player.

    Amit Panchal gives individual or Group. He prefers groups where the women are wearing tight jeans. Much more sexual tension and louder orgasms possible!!

    1. Even though Jeremy Silman is "only an IM", his capacity to teach exceeds that of Smirnov(whiskey) Silman had some issues accepting criticism during his mid life crisis, but has mellowed becoming a much more stable human being. I love the guy!!

      I know that Albanian GentjanLici concurs and also agrees that How to Reassess is the best book to improve the overall play of the average player who has no aspirations to devote his entire life to chess. BTW Jeremy, why did you have unfair criticisms of the Houston author who wrote the outstanding book on backwards chess moves?

  3. I think Aaron Ben-Zeév Ph.D. has written extensively on orgasm intensity after extreme competition. The doctor overANALyzes it a bit. IT JUST FEELS GOOD.

    Peter von Ziegesar relates coitus interuptus to zen and meditation.
