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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Cattle Feed as it Relates to our Royal Game

 I can only speculate as to why the former 1998 Nashville, Tennessee city champion chose the name Cornfed for his ICC moniker. I am guessing either his alcohol consumption choice or the cattle he raises has something to do with it! I think I may have played a postal game with him around the time of the Y2K programming run up when planes were supposed to drop from the sky and interest rate calculations were gonna get all F....cked up.

So White just played Qe6 threatening Queen captures e5 Bishop with check. It is not mate since anemic looking f6 square is protected by h4 Queen and f8 Rook. So Black has the time to look for mating patterns himself. Not too hard to notice that Qh2 is curtains for the first player after Ne2 check. 

I also dropped out of correspondence chess after cheating with computers became intractable. BTW grass fed cattle have about 20% less fat than Corn Fed livestock.

1 comment:

  1. There is a Todd Andrews who is the sole proprietor of First Time Ranch & Beefmaster Cattle Company Frankston, Texas. I do not think there is a whole lot of interest in the Royal Game among Cowboys. Could be wrong. I think they also are in the business of baling Hay to feed them. It is a husband wife team as well.

    On a side note Troy Marshall wrote something about beef packing's connection to chess and country of origin labeling??!?!?!? COOL
