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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Discovered Check Mate

Austrian chess player Wall-Street probably spends more time investing than with his chess development, but he  still threatens mate in one in the diagrammed position in a 3 minute blitz no delay game at the internet chess club based in USA.  Patrick Wolff and Ron Henley traded their GM brains in to become whizzes in financial industry. Wolff used to advertise in Seirawan's mag charging $100 to analyze a black and white game. He quickly realized he could leverage his time 100 fold managing derivative funds. Makes you wonder how many other chess super cerebral types waste all that brain power!! Not sure about Henley who use to be tight with Karpov. Never knew how he wheedled his way into being the boa constrictor's second in some of the world championship cycles. 

Markus Ragger would have been impressed with the mate in 2 that Black has set up which culminates with a discovered checkmate along the h file.White had just played Nc5 threatening mate on the b7 square, but Ng3(blunt force trauma hammer blow to the 1398 player from Austria) check is quite forcing as g1-a7 diagonal is covered by the Lady on d4

1 comment:

  1. Did any of your subscribers read the work of Annie Leomporra and Megan Hustings addressing violence towards beggars, paupers, and bums?

    @asantiago1vcd reported that her and her husband could not walk a block in San Antonio Texas without being accosted by a panhandler. It is against the law in SLC Utah
