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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Muarading King with all the Heavy Pieces on the Chess Board

It is a relatively rare circumstance that an aggressive and effective threatening King move is present in a chess game where all the Rooks and Queens are still on the board(all the heavy pieces are alive and well).

PolarPatriot of the Internet chess club found himself in deep doo doo in this three minute blitz game one lazy Sunday afternoon. He had just moved his King from g2 to h2 following a check by the Black Queen at f3.

Black's Queen and two Rooks could not be more effectively placed and owing to the ruthless logic of chess, that only leaves the Black Monarch available for action. The notion of the King as a muarading attacking piece is well known in chess endings, but with the Rooks and Queens on the board a chess player has to have a damn good reason to move his King.

Nigel Short noticed it was possible to move his King in these type of positions as long as the enemy forces were sufficiently paralyzed. With all these hints I am sure the half alert reader will find the winning move with Black to play!!

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone heard if Nigel apologized to Wesley So for blaspheming his faith and trust in our LORD JESUS CHRIST? Would love to know author Reza Aslan's opinion on this matter! Also New Zealand writer Christopher Laine has some convincing arguments supporting Short's world view. Although it almost appears the high IQ Laine has forgotten or never learned that "Jewish Zealots" actually opposed the myth of Jesus Christ as a turn the other cheek Messiah!!
