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Friday, July 11, 2014

How to set up against this Benoni?

Benoni is an opening for a player of the Black pieces who does not want a draw. This statement is different than referring to a Black player which many chess writers are careless about!

Forgetpoker is the handle of an ICC player who plays a very uncompromising Benoni Defense. His move order is 1.d4 e6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 d6 4.Nc3  .....

Most Benoni players capture exd5 immediately, but some prefer to wait and maybe even play e5 depending on how White deploys his pieces.

In diagrammed position, if Black plays Nf6, 5. Qa4 is a non intuitive attempt to disrupt the standard Benoni Queenside expansion. It is a computer like move that this USCF expert would not have considered or discovered.

Another observation here is that if Black spends two moves to play e5, then White can try f4 which is usually not a good idea if Black plays e5 in one move.

BTW, why did this 1332 rated chess player forget poker for chess? It's usually the other way around where the poor, broke, Bohemian chess player decides to use his chessic brain power to make money gambling at Black Jack or Poker.

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