He actually took the time to hop his Stead from g8 to h6 to the f7 square just so maybe someday the peripatetic horse could occupy the e5 square. His strategy is to inveigle White into some type of Austrian attack where the first players attempts to steamroll 4 pawns down the board and suffocate Black.
I had to lose to this guy a couple of times before I figured out his subtle strategy which has frustrated many. phil2force realizes many players are taught to grab central space with pawns and his schema is an almost perfect counter to that teaching. He is content to move his King back and forth on the g8 and h8 squares begging White to over extend his center leaving himself vulnerable.
The internet chess club is chockablock full of players with incredibly artistic and unique styles. Playing there will prepare hardcore USCF players for about anything!

I play Phil2Force all the time in the one-minute pool on ICC. He is very fast and builds a shell that is difficult to crack in one minute, and if you rush your moves he's ready to pounce. I generally don't overextend so maybe I frustrate him, and my overall record against him as of right now is 52-42-2.
ReplyDeleteThe way I deal with players like him is to move quickly, since he's not going to attack me. I just mobilize the army on my side of the board before launching a gradual invasion of his territory. Seems to work.
I was a USCF-rated expert years ago, and either computes have turned everyone into a chess genius, or ICC's players are vastly underrated. I see GMs with 1800 ratings in the one-minute pool, where my peak is 1950. It's like the strongest players in the world have all converged into this shark tank.
I'm hoping it is a deflated pool because if the chess I play isn't 2300 strength, the game is hopeless.