The pawn at a5 forms a square with vertices at the chess squares a5,d5,d8, and a8. As long as the White King remains within this square, the Black passed pawn must remain frozen.
This leads to the formulation of the simple plan of attacking the protecting b4 pawn and destroying the support of White's only hope. Now capturing the b4 pawn with the King would be an egregious blunder as it would land the discombobulated Black King outside the aforementioned quadrangle/square.
So the winning idea is to get the King to b5 which facilitates the pawn dissolving c5 pawn advance leaving two capturable pawns and White's resignation imminent. Incidentally, players of the French Defense are often rewarded after patiently defending with strong central pawns which also sometimes happens in Sicilian Defense games.
Kaalzar from the country of Guadeloupe(a group of Caribbean islands and an overseas region of France) is an uncompromising chess player who would rather lose "his way" than acquiesce to the will of his opponent.

Does anybody know who runs the chess website Whoever it is, is very secretive about disclosing his name. I had read he is not only an excellent chess expert and instructor but knows about how to make your child not masturbate too much. I caught my 6 year old daughter giving a hand job to our 8 year old stepson. Was completely innocent, not perverted but my fourth wife is tired of cleaning the semen stains all over our house. Found some sperm all over my wife's favorite pillow!.... Please help us man!!