Any chess neophyte can tell you that if the rook pawn is queening square that is not the some color as opponent's Bishop, the game will be drawn, BUT let us not forget Lasker's infamous ceteris paribus(what does ceteris paribus mean from Latin-"all things being equal")
Well all things were definitely NOT equal in the following ICC 3 minute blitz game!!!
Note that Black's a6 pawn on a White Square would be Queening on the Black a1 square. Problem appears to be the stand impotent pair commentary since Black's prelate only guards White square diagonals!!
So I doubt any of you would believe that Black to move it is mate in 10 in the diagrammed position. The give away hint is that Black must let White Queen his pawn on the a8 square. This involves Black's Rook pawn becoming a Knight pawn and mating White King at a1 with pawn to b2 checkmate!! Mind you White would have a just Queened pawn at a8 witnessing the Regicide. It is all about mating patterns and having the huge balls to count it out!!
Fortunately for Boaz1775, this knuckleheaded American did not discover the mate in 10 and lost the game on time.
Also please note that I am not referencing the dimorphic mating patterns as alluded to in scholarly effort by Guo-Hua Ding, Yun Tang, Zhi-Hua Lin, Xiao-Li Fan, and Li Wei
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