In the following ultra dangerous position played at ICC, MurderofCrow from the United Sates has just bravely connected his rooks by playing King to d2. Black reacted with Rook to e5 intending to support the nasty Black Knight at the e3 square.
Observe that the Black Queen at d4 is the only piece protecting the Rook which is being attacked by the White g3 Queen. So it appears that if the First Player nudges the Queen away with c3 that the e5 Rook will be captured and Black will lose miserably.
See if you can visualize the stunning tactical resource that Black has based on the attraction sacrifice theme! Backing off in ultra sharp positions usually forfeits the initiative and sometimes the game.
Incidentally, ICC chess player MurderofCrow just let his time expire rather than resign in a hopeless position later on in the game which quite common at the Internet Chess Club.

Marin Vukusic politely observes there are many irascible and obnoxious UK and USA bullet and blitz players at ICC concluding it must be a cultural. A former roommate would intentionally get low on time and then masturbate. How do I know? I had to clean the dried up spunk off the keyboards so I could complete my midterm chemistry paper!!